• Energy audit: the aim of an energy audit is to identify and plan areas for improvement in order to optimize the energy performance of the building.

It provides :

* Detailed knowledge of the building, its operation and use.

* An organization of the work, with detailed performance data for each type of work

* Multi-year planning of works

* An implementation schedule

* DPE: Diagnostique des performances énergétiques (Energy Performance Diagnosis) analyzes the current state of a building's energy consumption. It assesses energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It highlights energy leaks and insulation problems. It is part of the energy policy defined at European level to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and limit greenhouse gas emissions.

* Financial analysis: this enables a correlation between the work undertaken and the estimated return on investment. The aim is to initiate work that can easily be carried out with the quickest possible return on investment.


The service will be carried out in 4 distinct phases:

  1. Phase 1: Site survey
  2. Phase 2: Energy assessment and recommendations
  3. Phase 3: Improvement programs
  4. Phase 4: Financial analysis

Contact us for an audit!

Nature inspires us for better energy production